Services related to websites, including content management systems, web publishing tools and analytics.
Andrew Web Publishing System (AWPS)
Self-service web publishing system that does not include development tools or templates; use for official university sites published to
Content Management System (CMS)
Web publishing system that provides templates that reflect the university brand; use for official university sites published to
Google Sites
Sites is a website building platform offered by Google. Create personal websites and more with this easy-to-use, drag and drop interface.
URL Management
Technical configuration of URLs in the domain; includes redirects and virtual hosting.
UserWeb and CourseWeb
UserWeb enables Carnegie Mellon affiliates to create, edit, and publish website content from their Andrew File Server space to CourseWeb enables faculty and teaching assistants to request a CourseWeb Project Volume (AFS space) to upload and share course-related web pages to the server.
Web Analytics
Provides reports to analyze web traffic and help optimize website content.
Web Forms
Use our Web Form services to create your own online forms or surveys.
Web Search
Primary search tool for official university websites.