Carnegie Mellon University

Due to a federal court order in a class action lawsuit against Google (Rodriguez v. Google LLC (3:20-cv-04688)
District Court, N.D. California), you may receive a class notification email.

The class action involves individuals whose data was transmitted to Google from non-Google apps on Android and non-Android devices while privacy settings were off. Note: The class action does not involve enterprise accounts such as CMU's workspace or supervised accounts for users under 13.

Visit for more information.

Email Verification

Computing Services occasionally sends targeted email communications that share service changes affecting a specific group of individuals. Current communications are listed below for verification purposes.

Date Subject Audience
3/19/25 Action Required: Patch Your Shibboleth Service Provider Software Web Login Service Provider Community
3/13/25 Action Required: Transition to the New Citrix Platform to Continue Service Citrix customers
3/6/25 New Jabber Login Process, March 12 Jabber Customers

New Phone and Voicemail Manager Login Process, March 12

CMU Phone and Voicemail Manager Customers (Excluding Jabber Customers)

Final Reminder: Reconnect Your Email or Calendar App to Avoid Losing Access

Target list of CMU community members

Requesting Your Support to Test the New Citrix Platform

Citrix App Owners and Select Pilot Partners

New Cisco Finesse Login Experience, March 5

Cisco Finesse Customers

Action Required: Update Your Customers’ Citrix Desktop Client

Targeted group of Departmental IT Administrators

New Webex App Login Experience, Feb. 18

Webex App Customers

Disregard Duo Security Notification from Saturday (2/1)

Target List

Final Reminder: Required Server-Side Configuration Change for Web Login

Web Login SP Community

Spring into Success: Essential Tech Updates for Your Semester


Spring into Success: Essential Tech Updates for Your Semester


Spring into Success: Essential Tech Updates for Your Semester


Reminder: Required Server-Side Configuration Change for Web Login

Web Login SP Community

Final Reminder: Google is Retiring Jamboard, Review Your Files by December 31

Target list of CMU community members

Final Reminder: Google is Retiring Jamboard, Review Yoru Files by December 31

Target list of CMU community members

Required Server-Side Configuration Change for Web Login

Web Login SP Community

Reminder: Google is Retiring Jamboard, Review Your Files by December 31

Target list of CMU community members

Reinder: Google is Retiring Jamboard, Review Your Files by December 31

Target list of CMU community members

Reduce Your Google Storage by December 2024

Target list of staff

Reduce Your Google Storage by December 2024

Target list of faculty

Reduce Your Google Storage by December 2024

Target list of students
9/26/24 Reminder: Recconect Your Email or Calendar App to Avoid Losing Access Target list of CMU community members
9/26/24 Reminder: Review Your Email and Calendar Apps Target list of CMU community members
9/26/24 Reminder: Reconnect Your Google Account to Avoid Losing Access on Your iOS Device Target list of CMU community members
9/19/24 Reduce Your Google Storage by December 2024 Target list of staff
9/17/24 Reduce Your Google Storage by December 2024 Target list of students
9/17/24 Google is Retiring Jamboard: Review Your Files by December 31 Target list of CMU community members
9/17/24 Google is Retiring Jamboard: Review Your Files by December 31 Target list of CMU community members
9/12/24 Reconnect Your Email or Calendar App to Avoid Losing Access Target list of CMU community members
9/12/24 Review Your Email and Calendar Apps Target list of CMU community members
9/12/24 Reconnect Google Account to Avoid Losing Access on Your iOS Device Target list of CMU community members
8/23/24 Kickstart Your Semester with These Tech Updates Target list of students
8/23/24 Kickstart Your Semester with These Tech Updates Target list of faculty

Kickstart Your Fall with These Tech Updates

Target list of staff

Scheduled Citrix App Updates, August 14

Target list of Citrix app owners

Reduce Your Google Storage by December 2024

Target list

CrowdStrike Windows Crashing Issue

Faculty, staff, and students
7/15/24 Reminder: Your Google Appointment Slots are Going Away Target list of CMU community members with Google Appointment Slots

 Reminder: Your Google Appointment Slots are Going Away

Target list of CMU community members with Google Appointment Slots

 Your Google Appointment Slots Are Going Away

Target list of CMU community members with Google Appointment Slots

 Your Google Appointment Slots Are Going Away

Target list of CMU community members with Google Appointment Slots

Updated Timeline: Google Drive Files Shared With You are Scheduled for Deletion

Target list of cloud storage customers

Update: Google Drive Files Shared With You are Scheduled for Deletion

Target list of cloud storage customers

Files Shared With You Are Scheduled for Deletion

Target list of cloud storage customers

Reminder: Changes to Cloud Storage on Campus

Target list of cloud storage customers

Improved Ordering Process for Software to Launch March 20

Target list of those ordering software on behalf of someone

Changes to Cloud Storage on Campus

Target list of cloud storage customers

One or More Emails You Sent Didn’t Reach All Subscribers

Target list of MailMan customers

One or More Emails Sent To Your MailMan Lists Didn’t Reach All Subscribers

Target list of MailMan customers

Final Reminder: Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site

Target list of SharePoint customers

Temporary Service Outages

Pittsburgh faculty, staff, and students

Improvements to Preferred Name 

Target list of students
2/21/24 Upcoming Changes to Cloud Storage Departmental IT administrators
2/20/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
2/20/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
2/13/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
2/6/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
2/6/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
1/31/24 Changes to Box Sync that May Impact You Target list of Box Sync customers
1/30/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
1/24/24 Reminder: Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
1/22/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
1/22/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your Team’s SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
1/12/24 New Year, New Tech Updates Target list of students
1/12/24 New Year, New Tech Updates Target list of faculty
1/12/24 New Year, New Tech Updates Target list of staff
1/11/24 Scheduled Changes That Will Impact Your SharePoint Site Target list of SharePoint customers
12/13/23 Improvements to Preferred Name  Target list of students
12/12/23 New AI Chat Tool for Faculty and Staff Target list of faculty and staff
11/8/23 Changes to the Service Alert Board and Notifications Target list of subscribers
10/24/23 New Security Requirements for Your Zoom Meetings Target list of Zoom customers with upcoming standard meetings

New Security Requirements for Your Zoom Meetings

Target list of Zoom customers with upcoming meetings on their PMI

Cybersecurity Tool Installation

Faculty and staff

Take Advantage of CMU’s Technology Resources This Fall

Target list of students

Take Advantage of CMU’s Technology Resources This Fall

Target list of faculty

Take Advantage of CMU’s Technology Resources This Fall

Target list of staff

Update to the Latest Version of Zoom

Target list of customers with Zoom 5.15.0 or 5.15.1

Multiple Messages:
Wired Network Changes Coming

Target list of building coordinators

Reminder: Your Mail Alias is Scheduled for Deactivation

Target list of customers with aliases

Reminder: Your Mail Alias is Scheduled for Deactivation

Target list of customers with aliases

Action Recommended: Your Mail Alias is Scheduled for Deactivation

Target list of customers with aliases

Azure Support Fee Added to Next Invoice

Target list Azure customers

Wired Network Changes Coming June 6

UTDC Building Coordinators 

Multiple Messages: AFS DList, Mail Aliases, and Exchange Mailboxes

Those with AFS DList, Mail Aliases, and Exchange Mailboxes

Multiple Messages: AFS DList Deactivation

Target List of those with AFS DLists

ACTION REQUIRED: Your Exchange Account Is Moving to Google

Target List of those with Accounts Still on Exchange

Action Recommended: Your Mail Alias is Scheduled for Deletion

Target List of those with Mail Aliases

Multiple Messages: Your Wired Computer Registration is Moving 

Target List of Those with wired network registrations

Important: Your Mail Forwarding Will Be Turned off Tomorrow, March 16, 2023

Target List of Those with Mail Forwarding Enabled in Email Tools

Action Recommended: Your Mail Forwarding Will Be Turned off on March 16, 2023

Target List of Those with Mail Forwarding Enabled in Email Tools

Multiple Messages: ServiceNow Homepage migration to new Dashboards | Overview Sessions  

Target list of ITIL (ServiceNow) users

Reminder: You Still Need to Install CrowdStrike

Target list of those who have not installed CrowdStrike

Reminder: Install CrowdSrike on Your Computer by March 1, 2023

Target list of those  with SII Privileges

Multiple Messages: CrowdStrike

Target list of those  with SII Privileges

Your Voicemail Will Integrate with Google Mail on 2/28/23

Target List of Staff and Faculty

Multiple Messages: CrowdStrike

Target list of those  with SII Privileges

Multiple Messages: CrowdStrike

Target list of  Functional VPN Early Adopters with SII Privileges

Reminder: Your Mail Forwarding Will Be Turned Off On February 23, 2023

Those with mail forwarding enabled in email tools

Multiple Messages: CrowdStrike

Targeted User Group with SII Privileges

Action Required: Please Update Your Mail Forwarding by February 23, 2023

Those with Mail Forwarding Enabled in Email Tools

Your Voicemail Will Integrate with Google Mail on 2/9/23

Target List of Staff and Faculty

Free Professional Closed Captioning Now Available

Target List of Staff and Faculty

Update Your Mobile Device to Retain Access to CMU Services

Target List of customers with older mobile operating systems

Start the Semester Strong with These Tech Updates

Target List of Students

Start the New Year Strong with These Tech Updates

Target List of Staff

Start the Semester Strong with These Tech Updates

Target List of Faculty

Final Reminder: Export Your Google Hangouts Data

Target List of Google Hangouts Users

Action Recommended: Export Your Google Hangouts Data

Target List of Google Hangouts Users
10/4/22 Your Exchange Distribution Group is Scheduled for Deletion Target List of Those with Exchange Distribution Groups
9/28/22 Your Exchange Distribution List Has Been Moved to Google Groups Target List of Those with Exchange Distribution Groups
9/27/22 Reminder: Upload Your Booster Documentation Today Target List of Students, Staff, and Faculty
9/27/22 Multiple Messages: Exchange Distribution Groups Target List of Those with Exchange Distribution Groups
9/21/22 Multiple Messages: Exchange Distribution Groups Target List of Those with Exchange Distribution Groups
8/31/22 Adobe Creative Cloud in macOS Computer Labs Target List of Students
8/30/22 Multiple Messages: COVID-19 Vaccine and Boosters Target List of Students and Staff
8/26/22 Welcome Back! Computing Services is Here to Support You Target List of Students
8/26/22 Welcome Back! Computing Services is Here to Support You Target List of Faculty
8/26/22 Welcome Back! Computing Services is Here to Support You Target List of Staff
8/16/22 Reminder: Upload Your Booster Documentation Target List of Students
8/16/22 Action Required: Upload an Image of Your COVID-19 Vaccine Card Target List of Students
8/8/22 Get the most out of your new Google Group! Target List of Individuals Who Have Recently Migrated to Google Group
8/3/22 REMINDER: Upload Your Booster Documentation Today Target List of Staff and Faculty Who Are 61+ Days Booster Past Due
8/2/22 Multiple Messages: Exchange Distribution Groups Target List of Those with Exchange Distribution Groups
7/28/22 Your Google Group May Begin Receiving Email Target existing Google Group users who requested not to receive email
7/27/22 New Cloud Budget Alerts starting in August 2022 Target list of Campus Cloud project owners or technical contacts
7/27/22 Multiple Messages: Exchange Distribution Groups Target List of Those with Exchange Distribution Groups
7/18/22 2fa Required for VPN Effective 8/1/22 Target List of Those Using VPN
7/13/22 Multiple Messages: Accounts Scheduled for Deletion Target List of Shared Mailbox, Room and Equipment Owners
6/23/22 Legacy Linux Timeshare Decommission Target List of Timeshare Users
6/23/22 Upload Your Booster Documentation Today Target list of campus affiliates
6/06/22 Multiple Messages: Self-Migration Target list of individuals who need to progress their self-migration
6/02/22 Your Email Account Will be Moved to Google on July 18, 2022 Target List of Individuals who have not enrolled in a migration
4/13/22 Mailman Delivery Issues Target list of Mailman list owners
4/12/22 Admin by Request has a new look! Target list of DSP customers
4/11/22 COVID-19 Booster Compliance Change Target lists of students, faculty, and staff
3/31/22 Upload Your Booster Target lists of students, faculty, and staff
3/28/22 Change to Incoming Caller ID Display Effective March 29, 2022 Faculty and staff
3/4/22 Multiple Messages: Your Booster Documentation Deadline is Approaching Target lists of students, faculty, and staff

You Are Required to Participate in Tartan Testing

Target lists of students, faculty, and staff


Your Booster Documentation is Past Due

Target list of students


Your Booster Documentation is Past Due

Target list of faculty


Your Booster Documentation is Past Due

Target list of staff


REMINDER: Upload image of your COVID-19 booster vaccination documentation

Target list of faculty


REMINDER: Upload image of your COVID-19 booster vaccination documentation

Target list of staff


REMINDER: Upload image of your COVID-19 booster vaccination documentation

Target list of students


ACTION REQUIRED: Update your email address in Trello, Jira, Confluence, or Bitbucket 

Target list of those logging in with an email address


Changes to your Atlassian account (including Trello, Jira, Confluence, or Bitbucket)

Target list of those logging in with an email address


Upload image of your COVID-19 booster vaccination documentation

Target list of faculty

2/2/22 Upload image of your COVID-19 booster vaccination documentation

Target list of staff

2/2/22 Upload image of your COVID-19 booster vaccination documentation

Target list of students

1/14/22 Tech Support for Learning Wherever You Are


1/14/22 Tech Support for Teaching Wherever You Are


1/14/22 Tech Support for Your Work Wherever You Are


1/4/22 Some of Your Emails Were Not Sent on 1/3/21

Target List of Individuals with Email Messages That Did Not Send on 1/3/21

1/3/22 Email Not Received 1/3

Target List of those with bounced messages

12/17/21 TAKE ACTION: Campus Cloud Plus Host Vulnerable

Campus Cloud Plus Customers

11/18/21 Update to the latest Zoom version

Target list of those with an outdated version

11/16/21 Emails Not Received 11/16

Target List of those with bounced messages

10/14/21 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC License Update Target list of customers with an Adobe license
10/07/21 Reminder Take Action: DUO to Update Mobile App Target list of students, sponsored accounts and alumni
10/07/21 Reminder Take Action: DUO to Update Mobile App Target list of faculty/staff

Update to the latest Zoom version

Target list of customers with an outdated version


Adobe License Update on Wednesday 10/6: Action May Be Required

Target list of customers with an Adobe license


Vaccine Compliance Violation

Target list of faculty


Vaccine Compliance Violation

Target list of staff


Take Action: Update to DUO Mobile App

Target list of students


Take Action: Update to DUO Mobile App

Target list of faculty/staff


Vaccine Compliance Violation

Target list of faculty


Transition Backup and Sync to Drive for Desktop

Target list of those using the tool


Tartan Testing Non-Compliance

Target list of students

Vaccine Non-Compliance: Action Required

Target list of staff

Weekly COVID-19 mitigation reminder

Target list of students, faculty, and staff

Vaccine Compliance Violation

Target list of faculty


Vaccine Non-Compliance: Action Required

Target list of staff


Weekly COVID-19 mitigation reminder

Target list of students, faculty, and staff


Vaccine Compliance Violation

Target list of faculty


Suspension Notice, Vaccine Non-Compliance

Target list of students


Vaccine Non-Compliance: Action Required

Target list of staff


Weekly COVID-19 mitigation reminder

Target list of students, faculty, and staff


Vaccine Compliance Violation

Target list of faculty


Status of Wireless Network Issues on Pittsburgh Campus

Faculty, staff and students


Pending Suspension Due to Vaccine Non-Compliance

Target list of students


Vaccine Non-Compliance: Action Required

Target list of staff


Weekly COVID-19 mitigation reminder

Target list of students, faculty, and staff


Vaccine Non-Compliance: Action Required

Target list of students


Welcome Back! Computing Services is Here to Help with Tech Tips and Support for the Fall Semester



Computing Services Support for your Fall 2021 Semester



 Computing Services Support for the Fall



SECOND NOTICE: Upload image of your COVID-19 vaccination documentation

Target list of faculty and staff


THIRD NOTICE: Upload image of your COVID-19 vaccination documentation

Target list of students


Weekly COVID-19 mitigation reminder

Target list of students, faculty, and staff


SECOND NOTICE: Upload image of your COVID-19 vaccination documentation

Target list of students


Transition Backup and Sync to Drive for Desktop

Target List of those using the tool


ACTION REQUIRED: Upload image of your COVID-19 vaccination documentation

Target list of faculty and staff


ACTION REQUIRED: Upload image of your COVID-19 vaccination documentation

Target list of students 


Google Features You Might Not Know About

Target List of Individuals in Qatar


Google Features You Might Not Know About

Target List of Individuals Who Migrated to  Google Mail and Calendar


Welcome to Google Mail and Calendar!

Target List of Individuals in Qatar


Welcome to Google Mail and Calendar!

Target List of Individuals Moving to Google Mail and Calendar


Multiple Messages Related to the Google Migration

Target List of Individuals Moving to Google Mail and Calendar


Reminders for Returning to Campus - Including Vaccine Database Deadline

CMU Campus Community


Multiple Messages Related to the Google Migration

Target List of Individuals in Qatar


Launching Vaccine Database for Faculty and Staff (Return to Campus this Fall)

Faculty and staff 


Action Recommended: Customers Using Outlook Notes

Target Individuals using Outlook Notes


Google Backup and Sync Retiring in October

Target List of Individuals Using Google Backup and Sync


Voicemail Integration with Email Survey

Target List of Individuals in Computing Services


Update: Shared Mailbox Pre-Migration Checklist Now Available

Target List of Individuals


Your Google Email and Calendar Migration Timeline

Target List of Individuals in Qatar


You now have access to Google Search Console

Target List of Individuals Using Google Analytics


Immediate Action Required: Shibboleth Service Provider Vulnerability Discovered

Target List of Individuals Managing Shibboleth-Enabled Services


Reminder: Action Required: Changes to your Cisco Jabber Login Beginning June 22

Target List of Individuals Using Cisco Jabber


Action Required: Changes to your Cisco Jabber Login Beginning June 22

Target List of Individuals Using Cisco Jabber


Reminder: Action Required: Changes to Your Qualtrics CoreXM Survey Platform Login

Target List of Individuals Using Qualtrics


Action Required: Changes to Your Qualtrics CoreXM Survey Platform Login

Target List of Individuals Using Qualtrics


Action Required: Your Andrew Account Password Is About to Be Changed

Target List of Account Holders Who Have Not Changed Their Passwords


Action Required: COVID-19 Vaccine Data Collection

CMU Campus Community


Reminder: Action Required: Changes to your Qualtrics CoreXM Survey Login

Target List of Individuals Using Qualtrics


Reminder: Action required: Update your Secret address to continue viewing your Google Calendar in other applications

Target List of Individuals Using Google Calendar Secret Address Feature


Action required: Update your Secret address to continue viewing your Google Calendar in other applications

Target List of Individuals Using Google Calendar Secret Address Feature


Reminder: It’s Time to Update the Password for your Service Account

Target List of Service Account Holders


Action Required: Changes to Your Qualtrics CoreXM Survey Platform Login

Target List of Individuals Using Qualtrics CoreXM Survey Platform


Reminder: Changes to your Azure Dev Tools for Teaching account

Target List of Individuals Using Azure Dev Tools for Teaching


Your Pending CMU Service Account(s) Deactivation

Target List of Service Account Holders


Changes to your Azure Dev Tools for Teaching Account

Target List of Individuals Using Azure Dev Tools for Teaching 


Reminder: It’s Time to Update the Password for your Service Account

Multiple Messages: Target List of Service Account Holders


Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Multiple Messages: Target List of DSP Customers


Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Sponsored Account Holders

04/27/21 Reminder: It’s Time to Update the Password for your Service Account

Multiple Messages: Target List of Service Account Holders

04/22/21 Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Emeritus

04/21/21 Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Executive IT Customers

04/20/21 Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Graduate Students

04/20/21 Action required: Download the latest version of Google Drive for desktop before May 18

Target List of those using Google Drive for desktop

04/20/21 Reminder: Cisco Jabber Auto Update on April 21

Target List of those using Cisco Jabber

04/19/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Sponsored, Board of Trustees, and President’s Advisory Board account holders

04/16/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Passwords for Service Accounts

Target List of Service Account Holders

04/15/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Emeritus

04/15/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Multiple Messages: Target Lists of DSP and Exec IT Customers

04/13/21 Computing Services is Your New Support Contact!

All Qualtrics CoreXM Survey Platform customers

04/09/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Passwords for Service Accounts

Multiple Messages: Target Lists of Service Account Holders

04/08/21 Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Undergraduate and Non-Degree Students

04/07/21 Reminder: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Faculty and Staff – Non-DSP and Non-Exec IT

04/06/21 Action Required: Update Cisco Jabber before April 21

Target list of those using Cisco Jabber

03/31/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Graduate Students

03/30/21 Reminder: VPN Required to Transfer Files in Andrew Web Publishing System (AWPS)

Target List of Individuals Using Andrew Web Publishing System (AWPS)

03/25/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Andrew Password

Target List of Undergraduate and Non-Degree Students

03/23/21 Connect to VPN Weekly for Critical Computer Updates

 All DSP Customers

03/18/21 Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Password(s)

Target list of Faculty and Staff – Non-DSP and Non-Exec IT


VPN Required to Transfer Files in Andrew Web Publishing System (AWPS)

Target List of Individuals Using Andrew Web Publishing System


Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Passwords

Target List of Individual Privileged account holders


Action Required: It’s Time to Update Your Password(s)

Target list of Individual Privileged account holders


Action Requested: Your Feedback Matters!

Target List of Computing Services staff members


Immediate Action Required: Enroll in Two-Factor Authentication by 2/28/21

Target List of Students who have not registered for DUO


Immediate Action Required: Enroll in Two-Factor Authentication by 2/28/21

Target List of Students who have not registered for DUO


Please Update Your Andrew Password [Multiple Messages]

Target Lists of Computing Services staff


Follow up Regarding the Exchange Email Issue on Sunday, February 14, 2021

Target list of Exchange accounts affected by a server issue


Action required: Emails you did not receive on Sunday, February 14, 2021

Target list of Exchange accounts affected by a server issue


Exchange Email Issue on Sunday, February 14, 2021

Target list of Exchange accounts affected by a server issue


RESOLVED: Problem Signing into Zoom Desktop App

Target list of Zoom account holders affected by an issue with the Zoom desktop client


Problem Signing into Zoom Desktop App

Target list of Zoom account holders affected by an issue with the Zoom desktop client


Computing Services Support for Your Continued Hybrid Learning Experience



FINAL NOTICE: CMU (Legacy) Wireless Network Decommission - 3/1/21

Target message to those with devices registered on  CMU (Legacy)


Computing Services Support for Your Continued Hybrid Teaching Experience



Computing Services Support for Your Continued Remote Work Experience



Required - An Additional Layer of Protection for Your Andrew Account

Target message to students who have not enrolled in two-factor


Upcoming Change to Your Adobe Account

Target list of Adobe account holders


Required - An Additional Layer of Protection for Your Andrew Account

Target message to students who have not enrolled in two-factor authentication with DUO


Upcoming Change to Your Adobe Account

Target list of Adobe account holders

Urchin Analytics to be Deactivated and Replaced with Google Analytics

Target list of Urchin Analytics account holders

Urchin Analytics to be Deactivated and Replaced with Google Analytics

Target list of Urchin Analytics account holders

Staff Laptop Returns

Target list of staff members

Log Into Zoom Using SSO Option

Target list of individuals using Zoom

Zoom Access for an Account you Sponsor

Target list of account sponsors
9/15/20 Zoom Access with your Sponsored Account Target list of sponsored accounts
9/9/20 Changes to Your Zoom Account Target list of Alumni
9/9/20 Changes to Your Zoom Account

Target list of department accounts

09/08/20 Update Your Cisco Jabber Application

Customers using Cisco Jabber application

08/24/20 Tech Solutions to Support Your New Learning Experience


08/24/20 Tech Solutions to Support Your New Teaching Experience


08/24/20 Tech Solutions to Support Your New Work Experience


07/27/20 CMU Research Computing Roadmap – Faculty Assessment Survey

All Faculty

07/14/20 Google Meet Requires Google Account LogIn

All CMU Google Accounts Holders Who've
Used Google Meet

06/09/20 Zoom Security Changes and Recommendations

All Zoom Account Holders

06/09/20 Publicly Sharing Zoom Meeting Links

CMS Announce, Campus Communicators

06/05/20 Update Your Cisco Jabber Application

Customers using Cisco Jabber application

05/28/20 Reminder: Upgrade your Zoom App by 05/30

Targeted list of Zoom account holders using an outdated version of Zoom

05/27/20 Trusted Root Certificate Update 5/28

Owners machines that use secure connections to the campus mail servers.

05/26/20 Upgrade your Zoom App by 05/30

Targeted List of Zoom account holders using an outdated version of Zoom

05/20/20 Update to Your Zoom Account

Targeted List of free Zoom account holders

04/27/20 Virtual Faxing Solution Those who expressed interest in the service
02/26/20 Confirm Your Adobe Account Migration Current Account Holders Using Andrew Email As Adobe ID

An Upcoming Change to Your Adobe Account

Current Account Holders Using Andrew Email As Adobe ID

New Feature for Managing and Updating Your Sponsored Accounts

Current Sponsored Account Owners

CMU (Legacy) Wireless Network Device Purge

CMU Legacy network customers

Help Center Sunday Support Survey

Sunday Help Center Customers

New Classroom Collaboration Tools and Hacked Escape Room Kick Off 2020


Classrooms Get Brand-New Collaboration Tech for Spring Semester


What’s NEW for YOU from Computing Services!


DUO Mobile App Upgrade

DUO iOS 10 and Android 6 Customers

Schedule Your Windows 7 Device Replacement by 1/15/20

Desktop Support Program (DSP)

Cisco Jabber Vulnerability Identified

Cisco Jabber Customers

DUO Mobile App Upgrade

DUO iOS 10 and Android 6 Customers

National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)

Faculty, Staff and Students on the Pittsburgh Campus
9/16/19-12/16/19 Sunday Help Center Customers
9/9/19 Collection Owners and Administrators
8/23/19 Students
8/23/19 What’s NEW in Computing Faculty
8/23/19 What’s NEW in Computing Staff